How to Practice Inclusive Body Positive Yoga

In a world where yoga is often entangled with fitness trends, beauty standards, and exclusivity, we believe it’s time to return to the heart of the practice. Yoga is not about conforming to a particular image or participating in exclusive spaces; it’s a journey of self-discovery, healing, and unity that belongs to everyone.

Accessibility for Every Body

We hold the belief that yoga is more than just a physical workout—it’s a holistic practice that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. It’s essential to make yoga accessible to all individuals, regardless of age, size, ability, or background. Every body is a yoga body, and everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the transformative power of yoga.

Cultivating a Spiritual and Inclusive Community

Honoring the deep spiritual roots of yoga is at the core of our values. We are committed to fostering an authentic yoga culture that embraces inclusivity and diversity. Our community is a place where all are welcome, all voices are heard, and each person’s journey is respected. We strive to create a space that transcends physical practice and delves into spiritual growth and connection.

Celebrating Individuality Over Beauty Standards

We stand against the harmful beauty standards and societal expectations that often make people feel unseen or unsupported. Our belief is simple: you are enough, just as you are. We encourage embracing one’s true self, free from unrealistic expectations or comparisons. Yoga should be a practice that uplifts and affirms, allowing individuals to feel genuinely seen and valued.

From Body Shaming to Body Positivity and Neutrality 

At the heart of our approach to yoga is a deep commitment to both body positivity and body neutrality. We believe that every body, regardless of shape, size, or ability, is deserving of respect and care. In our practice, we focus not on how your body looks, but on how it feels and what it can do in the present moment. By embracing imperfection, we honor each individual’s unique journey, encouraging self-acceptance and growth without the pressure of achieving a certain aesthetic or ideal. Yoga is for everybody, and every body is enough

Moving Towards Healing and Justice

Yoga has the potential to be a powerful force for personal and collective transformation. We are dedicated to using our practice as a means to contribute to a more compassionate, equitable, and just world. By embodying the principles of yoga—such as compassion, truthfulness, and non-harm—we aim to foster healing not just within ourselves but within our communities and beyond.

Our Commitment

We are devoted to shifting away from patterns of exclusion, whether they manifest as fatphobia, ableism, or any form of misrepresentation. Our commitment is to create a yoga culture that is spiritually enriching, authentically practiced, and genuinely inclusive.

Join the Journey

We invite all who share these values to join us in redefining what yoga can be. Let’s move together towards a practice that honors the true essence of yoga—a path of unity, healing, and transformation accessible to everyone.

Join our vibrant yoga community at Yoke Yoga by practicing weekly live yoga classes from the comfort of your home. You’ll have the opportunity to practice yoga online and connect with students worldwide. These short yoga flows are perfect for all levels, making it easy to inspire others and share your unique style. Whether you enjoy 10-minute yoga classes, mindful movement, or weekly yoga practice, this opportunity allows you to grow as part of an online yoga community. Plus, with more and more yoga practice opportunities available, you can expand your practice and engage with a dedicated audience. Sign up now and become part of our live yoga class offerings, designed for both new and experienced yoga practitioners, at


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